Home Drinks Alcoholic Drinks Goody Group new Chill Cocktail targets young consumers

Goody Group new Chill Cocktail targets young consumers

Goody Group, the owner of Star Kombucha, has launched Chill Cocktail, which is said to be the first bottled cocktail brand in Vietnam. The range comes in Chill Cocktail (4% ABV) and Chill Cocktail Light (3% ABV).

The Chill Cocktail vodka sparkling drink is available in 6 flavours – Peach, Lemon*, Blueberry, Rose & Lychee, Strawberry and Grape*, while Chill Cocktail Light comes in Rose & Lychee, Blueberry and Grape*.

* Chill Cocktail Light Grape, Chill Cocktail Grape and Chill Cocktail Lemon are sparkling rum drinks.

Katleen Phan Võ is the brand endorser of Chill Cocktail.

Chill Cocktail targets young and discerning customers, especially modern women. We are seeing a strong demand among young, modern females in China for flavourful alcoholic drinks that are lower in alcohol. In fact, the market for such products in China have exploded but Southeast Asia is still early days in terms of adoption.

Right now, female-focused alcoholic drinks in Southeast Asia are mainly RTD cocktail (eg SPY Wine Cooler) and flavoured soju. As females become more financially independent, this would open up the market for more players to step into the low/no/reduced alcohol segment.

Click here to buy from Chill Cocktail official store on Shopee.


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