Home Food Bakery Nutritionally complete BASE Food from Japan now available in Singapore

Nutritionally complete BASE Food from Japan now available in Singapore

Japan’s BASE Food, the developer and seller of nutritionally complete food, has started selling its products in Singapore and Taiwan. The company has already exported to China and Hong Kong.

BASE FOOD is a nutritional staple food that provides 30g of protein, about 6g of dietary fiber, 26 types of vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients the body needs throughout the day. Get one-third of your daily nutritional requirements with one serving.

In Singapore, BASE Food has made BASE Bread (Plain, Chocolate, Maple, Cinnamon) and BASE Cookie (Cocoa, Sweet Potato, Coconut, Matcha, Earl Gray) available. Consumers can buy it one-off or enter into a subscription basis. 

Nutritionally complete food in eatable format has grown in popularity in markets like the UK, US, and Japan, but it is still undeveloped in Southeast Asia. This region’s nutritionally complete solutions are mainly in drinkable formats, such as multi-grain drinks.

Click here to purchase BASE FOOD in Singapore.




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