A corporate social responsibility activity to help the less fortunate in time of crisis
Kuala Lumpur, 24th August 2020 – Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad (“Berjaya Sompo”) continues its Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) initiative with the distribution of “SOMPO Care Packs” which have been put together in conjunction with its “Care Freely” brand campaign launched earlier of this month and in line with one of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (“UNSDG”) for Zero Hunger. In this time of the pandemic, where unemployment rates have increased and the less fortunate being the most vulnerable are affected financially, the company is extending its help and support by giving out 50 units of the “SOMPO Care Packs” worth RM150 each to ensure these families have some food and essentials supplies during this crisis so that they feel cared for and do not go hungry.

The SOMPO Care Packs consisting of non-perishable goods such as rice, noodles, powdered and condensed milk, teabags, fortified malted drinks, cooking oil, assorted biscuits, masks and antibacterial soaps, were packed in airtight containers which the recipients can reuse for sturdy storage purposes. These items were carefully curated and compiled, to best serve the need and purpose of the initiatives and the community. Recipients were selected based on several criteria, namely Non-Profit Organisations (“NPO”) with families or groups that fit the profile and directly to selected communities based on their declared economic or poverty status with state associations.
“Ever since the government implemented the movement control order (“MCO”) back in March 2020, Malaysia recorded the highest unemployment rate in 27 years at 5.3% in May 2020 as the number of unemployed persons rose to 826,100 individuals[1]. A sudden job loss and lack of job security due to COVID-19 have exposed more Malaysians to poverty, especially those who were at borderline poverty before MCO. Realising how dire the situation may be for those affected, we at Berjaya Sompo Insurance have decided to step up by providing food and essentials supplies, in the hope that it can help these families get through this difficult time,” said Mr. Tan Sek Kee, Chief Executive Officer of Berjaya Sompo Insurance.
The “Care Freely” brand campaign features two CSR activities, with the first one being the SOMPO Care Packs which the company and its army of SOMPO Heroes who are fellow employee volunteers, have started distribution to the communities this week, while the second one will be “SOMPO Gratitude Pies” meant for front-liners which will begin its distributions soon. For more information about Berjaya Sompo’s campaigns and CSR initiatives, please visit www.berjayasompo.com.my
[1] Source: Malaysia Unemployment Rate (March – Jun 2020) https://tradingeconomics.com/malaysia/unemployment-rate