Home Dairy Flavoured milk Indomilk releases unique lychee flavoured UHT milk in Indonesia

Indomilk releases unique lychee flavoured UHT milk in Indonesia

Indonesia’s minimarket chain Indomaret has added a new collaboration with Indomilk. The latest Indomilk Hong Kong Lychee is a lychee flavoured UHT milk (180ml). The concept of lychee milk concept is new in Indonesia.

We have seen launches of lychee milk characterized by its sweet and sour taste in China and a previous limited-edition launch by Dutch Lady in Malaysia. In South Korea, Binggrae has combined lychee with peach for its flavoured milk drink.

We are unsure about the connection between Hong Kong and lychee milk, but we suspect it has to do with Chinese New Year. In Malaysia, Dutch Lady launched its limited-edition Lychee Milk during Chinese New Year in 2022.



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