Home Drinks Juice Malee Probiotics – Fruit juice as a carrier of probiotics

Malee Probiotics – Fruit juice as a carrier of probiotics

Malee has recently unveiled Malee Probiotics 100% pasteurised in Thailand. Probiotics are usually found in dairy. Research has found certain strains of bacteria that survives when added to fruit juices, making fruit juice a viable carrier of probiotics.

Malee is going down the functional health route targeting young urban females with Malee Light (30 calories with stevia as the sweetener) and Malee Healti Plus (with hyalurnic acid for all day skin hydration).

The latest addition Malee Probiotics is an extension of the functional theme. This time, the new product focuses on the goodness of probiotics for digestion. The Malee with probiotics will surely strike a chord with Thai female consumers who key consumers of drinkable beauty products.

Malee Probiotics for tummy health targeting young women


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