Home Country Indonesia Extra Joss Bar fuels performance one step at a time

Extra Joss Bar fuels performance one step at a time

PT Bintang Toedjoe, the maker of Extra Joss energy drink in powder format, has unveiled a new innovation. The new Extra Joss Bar is a cereal bar made from white chocolate, rolled oat and rice crispy.

With the tagline “Laki Never Stop” or “Male Never Stop” in English, the new Extra Joss Bar provides the energy to fuel performance. “Laki Never Stop” can be viewed similar to Johnnie Walker’s Keep Walking but with an athletic twist.

The Extra Joss Bar TVC shows the perseverance of the men in the commercial who train themselves whenever there is an opportunity. It can be in the form of sit up, pull up or push up. The never stop spirit is encapsulated in the term “dikit-dikit,” which means “little by little.”

The brand hopes consumers can treat “Laki Never Stop” as a lifestyle.

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Laki never stop Qurban

During Hari Raya Haji, also known as Eid al-Adha or the “Sacrifice Feast,” Bintang Toedjoe organised an event at 1,700 mosques in Indonesia with the theme “”Laki Never Stop Qurban.”


The essence of the partnership with the two major Islamic bodies Nahdlatul Ulama dan PP Muhammadiyah is to encourage young males to treat “berqurban” or to sacrifice not as an imperative (keharusan) but as a lifestyle (gaya hidup), said Presiden Direktur PT Bintang Toedjoe, Simon Jonatan.

From powdered drink to bar

The new Extra Joss Bar represents the brand extension of Extra Joss into the snack bar category. Extra Joss is the second largest player in the energy drink category in 2016 in terms of volume, according to Kalbe Farma‘s Company Update – Unaudited YTD June 2017.

The snack bar category has become an attractive platform to address health issues. Amerta Indah Otsuka’s Soyjoy encourages consumers to eat Soyjoy two hours before meal so that they can reduce their intake of carbohydrate, thus leading to weight loss. Kalbe Farma’s Fitbar with multigrain and quinoa make you feel fuller and thus making you feel less likely to eat unhealthy foods.

What Mini Me thinks

The new Extra Joss Bar is positioned more as a sports bar to fuel performance and this is a new positioning for cereal bar in Indonesia.


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