Calcium (canxi) is featured in many new food and drink innovation in Vietnam. To provide the extra calcium in food, Kewpie Việt Nam introduced a new product called egg shell calcium sauce (Xốt Canxi Vỏ Trứng) in the second half of 2017. The liquid is made from egg shells, probably the byproduct of sauce manufacturing, to be added into rice to increase the calcium content in the food staple to build stronger bones.
The key ingredients are water, egg shell powder (12.8%), ethanol for food (10.4%), thickening agent and natural lemon flavour.
It provides at least 450 mg of calcium per 10ml sachet of egg shell calcium sauce. The product is available in 100ml pack (10ml x 10 sachets) at VND 37,900 (USD 1.66) and 1 litre PET bottle (VND 252,000).
By cooking 300g of rice with 10ml of egg shell calcium sauce, it gives one bowl of rice (150g) 100mg of calcium. This product is ideal for the elderly to improve their bone health.
The following chart shows the merit of consuming eggshell calcium versus calcium carbonate by a female over the course of 12 months.
The egg shell calcium sauce can be added in other dishes including egg to provide the additional calcium benefit.
Quaker oat for rice
In Malaysia, also a rice eating nation, we have seen PepsiCo introducing Quaker Oat for Rice. The product is described as a convenient way to add wholegrain goodness to your rice. The oat is rice in beta glucan to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
Placed next to rice
In Vietnam, the egg shell calcium sauce is conveniently displayed next to rice.

What Mini Me Thinks
Brands such as Kewpie and Quaker are exploring ways to add the additional nutrient to rice to capitalise on the fact that rice is a staple in most parts of Asia.