Home Dairy Condensed milk Indomilk promotes Korean foods and sweet desserts for takjil

Indomilk promotes Korean foods and sweet desserts for takjil

Indomilk’s latest TV commercial promoting Korean food for takjil in Indonesia during the fasting month of Ramadan is a clear sign that Korean food has reached its feverish stage and is becoming mainstreaming in Indonesia. Takjil means light snacks to break the fast.

The dairy player promotes Indonesians to use Indomilk sweetened condensed milk on popular Korean dishes including corndog and bingsu to break the fast. Instead of consuming traditional takjil, Indofood is encouraging its consumers to be adventurous with their foods including exploring trending Korean cuisines. The move also ensures Indomilk sweetened condensed milk is relevant to the new generation of Indonesians growing up watching K-dramas and eating K-foods.


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