Home Food Ice Cream Wall’s creatively made use of ice cream chiller display with treasure box...

Wall’s creatively made use of ice cream chiller display with treasure box design

Image by Minimeinsights.com

Wall’s Malaysia has creatively made use of the ice cream chiller display to promote its Wall’s Paddle Pop Twister Mermaid. Consumers are encouraged to “open the box” to discover exciting treasures.

Wall’s Paddle Pop Twister Mermaid is said to have “mesmerizing colours [that] brings you to the magical mermaids in the ocean”. This twisting blueberry and tutti fruity ice-cream comes with a refreshing sweet yoghurt flavoured core.

The #MeriahWithMermaid Instagram filter contest offer prizes worth up to RM 25,000. The contest period runs from 1 April 2021 to 31 May 2021.


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