Home Country Malaysia BamNut Milk is now available at Jaya Grocer

BamNut Milk is now available at Jaya Grocer

BamNut Milk by WhatIf Foods is now available at Jaya Grocer in Malaysia. BamNut Milk is a plant-based drink that is creamy, frothy and is enriched with calcium, iron and B12. The plant-based milk is also higher in protein and fibre.

BamNut Milk as the name implies is made from bambara groundnut, a drought-tolerant legume grown in sub-Saharan Africa. The crop is well adapted to marginal agricultural lands. As such, Bamnut is often described as better for the planet and better for you.

BamNut Milk scores high in sustainability but taste and price can be a barrier. Expanding the usage through recipe suggestion and pairing can be a route to higher usage. The other approach is targeting children to get them accustomed to the taste from young.



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