Home Country Indonesia Mizone stays relevant with sports through Activ

Mizone stays relevant with sports through Activ

Groupe Danone’s Mizone has unveiled Mizone Activ, which goes back its roots as a sport enhancing drink. Mizone Activ’s narrower focus on sports is part of a realisation it needs to have a drink dedicated to all sporting activities be it working out in the gym or running up stairs.

So far, Danone has promoted the existing Mizone range as a drink suitable for all occasions with the goal of uplifting the spirit (bantu semangat OK lagi). This approach has fared well for Mizone with consumers drinking Mizone whenever they feel they need a boost.


As more Indonesians adopt a more active lifestyle and engaging in sporting activities, Mizone has to evolve to cater to their needs. The resulting product is Activ.

We see a similar trend happening in Malaysia/Singapore, a market dominated by 100Plus. The new Lucozade from Suntory has craved a niche for itself as a drink with a strong focus on enhancing hydration and fuels performance. Lucozade does not market itself for Raya or Chinese Year New. What Lucozade does is focus solely on sports.

lucozade singapore

With Mizone Activ, Danone can now ensure Mizone is relevant to the sports community and has a strong foundation to grow Mizone Activ as a dedicated sports drink.


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