Home Country Indonesia Bango Bumbu Kuliner Nusantara now has three more varieties

Bango Bumbu Kuliner Nusantara now has three more varieties

Image from Bango

Bango Bumbu Kuliner Nusantara now has three more variants –  Mi Goreng khas Aceh, Nasi Kuning khas Manado, dan Rawon khas Malang. Unilever Indonesia’s sweet soy sauce brand Bango first entered into the prepared sauce segment in 2019.

The sauces are free from preservatives and are aimed at consumers who want the convenience of preparing authentic Indonesian regional specialty dishes and do not want to cook from scratch.

The existing range includes the following:

  • Opor Ayam khas Cepu (Chicken cooked in coconut milk specialty of Cepu)
  • Tongseng khas Solo (Stew dish in curry-like soup with vegetables and sweet soy sauce specialty of Solo)
  • Soto Betawi khas Jakarta (Jakarta beef soup)
  • Nasi Goreng Kambing khas Jakarta (Jakarta mutton fried rice)


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