Home Drinks Coconut Water RU Coco? Thailand debuts Coconut Drip Coffee

RU Coco? Thailand debuts Coconut Drip Coffee

Image by RU Coco?

RU Coco? Thailand has launched Coconut Drip Coffee as the company broadens its range to include coconut coffee. RU Coco currently consists of coconut water and vitamin coconut water.

The Coconut Drip Coffee (330ml) is made from 100% Arabica coffee beans and only has 60kcal per serving.

The price is THB 35 and is available at 7-Eleven outlets in Thailand.

Coconut is a perfect partner for coffee. Such drink is seen as healthy, refreshing and energising. As a company focuses on coconut, the next product could be coconut milk + coffee.

We have seen beverage manufacturers in the US such as Vita Coco launching caffeinated coconut water where the caffeine comes from natural sources like tea. In Thailand, consumers have not been exposed to the caffeinated beverage trend eg caffeinated water. Therefore, coconut + coffee is still the best bet.


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